Symposium van 2 juni 2018: "Hoe onbedoelde blootstellingen beheren?"
Het FANC organiseerde op zaterdag 2 juni in zijn kantoren in Brussel een nieuw symposium over stralingsbescherming bij medische toepassingen met ioniserende straling. Het onderwerp van deze 5de editie was "Hoe onbedoelde blootstellingen beheren? ".
Dit symposium was bedoeld voor vakmensen uit de medische wereld, zoals röntgengebruikers, nucleaire artsen, radiotherapeuten, radiofysici, kwaliteitsexperts en alle andere professionals die bij dit problematiek zijn betrokken.
- Introduction
- Regulatory framework
- Internal notification and learning system
- Process of incident treatment
- Root Cause Analysis
- Conclusions
Symposium van 21 oktober 2017 : "Autumn Symposium: X-ray examinations and pregnancy"
- Introduction, An Fremout
- Regulatory Framework, Katrien Van Slambrouck
- Medical Imaging in pregnancy and breastfeeding, Patrik Aerts
- Risks of X-rays examinations during pregnancy: scientific background, Patrick Smeesters
- Radiation protection during X-ray examinations before and during pregnancy, Hilde Bomans
Symposium du 22 april 2017 : "Spring Symposium: Radiation Protection in Radiology"
- Introduction, An Fremout
- National DRLs in radiology : evolution of the methodology and future challenges, Thibault Vanaudenhove
- Medical radiation physics in the interventional field, Françoise Malchair
- Inspection campaign on justification, Lodewijk Van Bladel
- Justification in Pratice, Geert Souverijns
Symposium du 8 november 2016 : "Radiation Protection in Radiology"
- Introduction, Katrien Van Slambrouck
- Possible radiation protection issues in daily practice, Sylviane Carbonnelle
- Radiation physics in radiology: daily practice and challenges, An De Crop
- How to achieve excellent image quality while reducing radiation dose in interventional radiology?, Denis Henroteaux
- Effectiveness of radiation protective drape to reduce exposure in fluoroscopically-guided interventional procedures, Jérémie Dabin
Symposium du 23 april 2016 : "Radiation Protection in Radiology"
- Introduction, An Fremout
- Safety culture in radiological departements, Katrien Van Slambrouck
- Justified medical imaging, Patrik Aerts
- Dose management systems: effects on daily practice, Frédéric Alexis
- Strategy ‘Right dose & teamplay’, Ivo Driesser